About herbs

From the early years of history, herbs were a precious ally for the man. Human nature had always the innate tender to seek and trust plants for the relief of pain, treat wounds, and still for the wellbeing. The use of herbs has been well known since antiquity. An obvious advantage of herbs in their history of use and hence, that the research window has already been opened through experience for the scientific community.

The systematic study of herbs in the Mediterranean countries began from antiquity, leaving a rich heritage to the next generations. Their long history of use as a remedy is found in almost every country in the world and the interest for its services is increasing.

In recent years, more and more scientific confirmations have shown the antioxidant and anti – inflammatory properties of herbs. The World Health Organization (WHO) builds the knowledge base around herbs, but also is strengthening constantly their effectiveness for the alternative medicine.

Today, it is true that the man has moved away from nature. The demanding rhythms of daily routine have alienated him from the natural way of life. Poor nutrition, lack of physical exercise, smoking and so on accumulate toxins, harmful to the body with a direct impact on many and chronic diseases.

The immense ¨pharmacy¨ of nature becomes a natural ally for numerous body therapies, a shield of protection against every day challenges and illnesses, or simply make us feel beautiful enjoying the wonderful taste of a hot beverage. Hippocrates, who recorded more than 400 herbs, taught us ¨let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food¨.

Herbs abound and can do wonders for health. Their strong antioxidant activity (polyphenols) shields us against harmful free radicals, actively contributing to the detoxification of the body. In addition, these antioxidants are natural substances that they develop protection mechanisms against various infections and inflammations. Old and new scientists have called herbs as an elixir of youth, longevity, and so on. Drive out the fatigue and stress of everyday life by adding a healthy beverage to your schedule, which will not only help you in the good functioning of the body but will give you strength and well being.

Because of their medicinal properties, herbs should be consumed with caution, especially for those who have severe health problems or taking other medicines. Pregnant, nursing women and children should avoid them. Their use should be done with moderation and prudence, and under no circumstances its use can replace your doctor’s opinion. Therefore, medical advice is necessary for any particular condition or other illness.