Mountain Tea Olympus (Sideritis scardica)

Mountain Tea Olympus (Sideritis scardica)


Mountain tea is one of the best herbs available in Greece. It comes from areas of Karya from Olympus mountain, is collected by hand and dried in a natural way. (1,60 euros/40 gr.)

  • antioxidant
  • antiinflammatory
  • antimicrobial
  • antihypertensive
  • anxiolytic
  • sedative

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Μethod of preparation
1 gr (1,5 κ.γ.)
200 ml νερό

Price: 2,30 €

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Mountain tea is one of the best herbs available in Greece. It comes from areas of Karya from Olympus mountain, is collected by hand and dried at the shadow in a natural way. The unique warming beverage of winter is an effective soothing for caugh and helps to fight inflammation of upper respiratory tract. Sideritis, as its scientific name implies is a source of many minerals such as iron, cuprum, zincum, magnesium, calcium, kalium, and flavonoids. It contains no caffeine, so it has no stimulant effect. It is an excellent stomach emollient and relieves indigestion and other gastrointestinal disorders. It stimulates the immune system, improves heart, and the health of circulatory system. It has a preventative effect on many diseases such as delayed development of atherosclerosis and the likelihood of depression. A study by the University of Athens showed that Sideritis extracts significally contribute to the preservation of bone density and mechanical strength of bone, while the interest from German scientists has concluded that they are capable of neutralizing toxic substances responsible for Alzheimer's disease. One of the healthiest habits that life itself has traditionally highlighted, the mountain tea with its many benefits integrates dynamically into a modern life style and help us to achieve a healthy daily lifestyle.


Mountain tea, area Karya Olympoy from Olympus mountain (Sideritis Scardica). 

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